Why use this site? That is the best questions to answer right at the start. When investing it is best, in my opinion to have as an anchor or reference point some idea of the value of the security you are investing in. When you start in the investing world you may have bought a GIC or bond that matures and gives you the purchase price back, plus the interest payments over time. When you first started in the world of stocks it was probably a bit bewildering all the options to pick from and the amount of information available, not all of it accurate or independent.
This site has a goal to provide independent(no association with any brokerage house or financial service co.), information on Canadian Energy Companies using public sources of information with some opinion from the author thrown in for good measure. If you doubt any of the numbers presented, I will show you how to do the research yourself. The goal is to remove bias from your investing decisions regarding energy companies and help with selecting good investments.
In summary what you need to know before you purchase a stock is:
- What is this stock really worth(ASSET)
- What is the impact of debt on that value(ASSET VALUE minus debt)
- How much of the stock price represents its net assets today and how much future growth are you paying for today